
『Endeavour』の紹介@Radio Times:ショーン・エヴァンス曰くseedierなモースをもっと入れたい

予告編解禁でメディア系サイトが一気に『Endeavour』の紹介を始めました。 Radio Timesは、今年の1月にShaun-Evansが話した内容も含めて記事に。

Speaking to RadioTimes.com in January, Evans said that there would plenty of “seedy elements” in the show’s new series to compel viewers to tune in en masse again for the new run.

“We have to do our absolute best to offer more than what’s gone before. Otherwise, what’s the point?” he said. “Morse is seedier in the books. I feel we should be bringing more of those elements into Endeavour. I really like that slightly unwholesome quality.”

Radio Times:Shaun-Evans and Roger Allam in Endeavour – video





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