



Filming begins next month in Scotland with support from the National Lottery through Screen Scotland.

The Knowledge:BBC One confirms new Scottish drama

The Sunの記事なのでアレですが(信憑性は高くないゴシップ認識で)、地元の16歳から50歳までの男女エキストラの募集が「military-themed show」でかかっているとのこと。


BBC crime drama Vigil, which also stars Suranne Jones, is shooting in the Dumbarton area in February and March.

And the production is looking for local men and women to join the cast of the military-themed show.

It is believed the casting call is for Vigil, a six-part series from the makers of Line of Duty and Bodyguard.

The drama is written and created by Bafta-nominated writer Tom Edge who is known for The Crown.

The Scottish Sun:BEEB WANTS YOU Martin Compston’s new BBC thriller Vigil shooting in Scotland next month – and you can star in military crime drama

2月。。。Shaunは第2週は『Endeavour/刑事モース』シリーズ7の番宣で忙しいのでは…←というか、Good Morning BritainやBBC Radioなどに出て番宣してほしいだけです(笑)

『Vigil/原潜ヴィジル 水面下の陰謀』全6話 配信情報

アマゾンのスターチャンネルEX -DRAMA & CLASSICSで配信中。月額990円、初回7日間無料体験出来ます。


Amazon Prime ビデオ

AmazonのスターチャンネルEX -DRAMA & CLASSICS- Amazonプライム会員は月額¥990で見放題!初回7日間無料体験OK。

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